This review is not so much about music as it is a man. It was the late 70's when I discovered Bruce. Common ground
, was what we 1st shared, but then it became stories. Fast forward to somewhere 'round 81. Springsteen was touring and we slept out for tickets at the Cherry Hill Mall, in a borrowed car. Drove those lined spaces at the mall all night long; daylight came and a little before opening a "list" appeared. The list of people who would not get 1st in line. The fact that Kim & I, noses pressed to the glass of the door did not matter when the Woolworths store unlocked. The four or so shows that were available sold out 10 minutes after the store opened and not even the list helped most. Bruce was a man of justice and sure enough Philly was getting some shows on the end around of the tour (does it really ever end?) and this time....Bruce had initiated a mail order system! For people like me!! I got 4 tickets, 1st level center @ the Spectrum. I don't remember any of it, well a little, like where we sat and that it was great. Then came Nebraska. One of my favorite albums of all time. And like Nebraska I drifted. It was to hard to go see Bruce, EVERYBODY went to see Bruce. Now it's 2005 and we are at war, Greetings is still getting heavy play; it's where I was weaned and Bruce puts out his 3rd solo record....Devils & Dust. Wow. A tour is coming and I am going to get a cup of coffee and beat everyone out for tickets whilst sitting at my desktop computer. I have the system beat. Sure I would love to see him in Philly, but Cleveland, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame....ROAD TRIP?! Yup, Cleveland tickets were scored and the trip was planned.
The Hall of Fame was great and worthy of more space, Springsteen was unreal as expected. I'll say this, his performance of Dream Baby Dream was my favorite performance of any live show to date. He sang it to us, instilled it in us and led us. TO BE CONTINUED...