Contrary to a comment before I completed this post, my wife Margaret and I both thought the sound was crisp and clear. We sat about 10 rows from stage right. We generally think the Keswick's sound is above average in clarity and quality, this was evident with Gabby Moreno, the opener for Tracy who with just her guitar and her sultry romantic voice sounded dead on (we bought her disc)!
Tracy could do no wrong in front of this audience. A base of fans who adore her and everything she is. Tracy's musical talents and love for music shined as she utilized several gorgeous guitars, a drum box, bongos and a harmonica. Accompanied by a female drummer; Donna?, an electrical guitarist and a keyboard player her music was brought to life not so much as by the band but by Tracy herself.
Tracy was at ease and enjoying herself and even though the typical hecklers were ever present, she professionally ignored most (even the "nice ass" heckler) and played on which eventually kept most quiet. I was impressed with how well her new songs performed were received. I do not believe the audience was fully knowledgeable of them, but yet they were beautifully done and enjoyed by all.
She was a bit talkative and mentioned how challenging it was playing a new cover song for every gig, but this was held true on this night as they performedfor the 1st time a Sam Cooke classic Bring it On Home To Me. She also encouraged a friendly competition between the American and European audiences with the playing of "Sing For You".
To go into highlights from this show would be unfair given my unfamiliarity with many of the songs performed of which many of those unfamiliar songs are now becoming faves. I think she could have done herself well to shorten the time between the opener and perform a few more of the new songs. I don't think, if Philly is any indication that she will be ill received anywhere in the states....her fans are just happy to see her.
Tracy is a talented singer songwriter and I have always been intrigued by her early busking experience and wanted to be sure to see her if ever she should tour. This now accomplished, I recommend any fan of a singer songwriter format to catch her. Her lyrics are as beautiful as she is and spins the truth of life both lyrically and musically.
Setlist from memory
Baby Can I Hold You
Across the Lines
Sing For You
Mountains O' Things
You're the One For Me
Save Us All
Bring It On Home To Me- Cover Sam Cooke
Fast Car
Our Bright Future
Telling Stories
Say Hallelujah
Give Me One Reason
Talkin' 'bout a Revolution
Baby Can I Hold You
Across the Lines
Sing For You
Mountains O' Things
You're the One For Me
Save Us All
Bring It On Home To Me- Cover Sam Cooke
Fast Car
Our Bright Future
Telling Stories
Say Hallelujah
Give Me One Reason
Talkin' 'bout a Revolution
She's Got Her Ticket
She's Got Her Ticket