Bruce Springsteen @ the Spectrum Philadelphia, Pa 10-13-2009
Tracy Chapman @ the Keswick in Glenside, PA on 8-3-2009

Contrary to a comment before I completed this post, my wife Margaret and I both thought the sound was crisp and clear. We sat about 10 rows from stage right. We generally think the Keswick's sound is above average in clarity and quality, this was evident with Gabby Moreno, the opener for Tracy who with just her guitar and her sultry romantic voice sounded dead on (we bought her disc)!
Baby Can I Hold You
Across the Lines
Sing For You
Mountains O' Things
You're the One For Me
Save Us All
Bring It On Home To Me- Cover Sam Cooke
Fast Car
Our Bright Future
Telling Stories
Say Hallelujah
Give Me One Reason
Talkin' 'bout a Revolution
She's Got Her Ticket
Switchfoot @ American Music Theatre Lancaster, PA 6-21-09

Colin Hay @ World Cafe Live Philadelphia, PA 4-6-09
This was my 1st show at World Cafe Live---WHY DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG? Absolute one of the best venues I have attended. The sound was crisp, clear and B E A U T I F U L.
This was a FUN show, from Colin's continually humorous banter and his trademark sound, the crowd was enlightened by his lyrics as he sang of life and the ability to enjoy the life all the while a smile.
I have a set list, if you will, but I don't know all the titles. I will give the lyric snippets and you can fill in what you will, known titles in yellow italics.
1. No time to live, no time to die, no time for sorrow.
2. California- Golden Promises
3. New & unreleased-Play the highlights, came into your store you don't work there
4. Who Can it Be Now
5. Conversation
6. Melbourne Song
7. Down Under
8. Nothing left, nothing came, can't stop my mind from doing prison time
9. Bees buzzing in my ear
10. Norwegian Wood
11. My Hometown
12. I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You
13. Maggie
14. Circles Erratica
15. Beautiful World
16. Overkill
17. Waiting For My Real Life to Begin
When a musician is enjoying himself on stage it shows and Colin enjoyed himself immensely. When the crowd was asked for requests the crowd jokingly shouted out "Freebird" & "Norwegian Wood"....thank goodness he made the right choice!
Colin has a new record coming out in April on Compass Records; Transcendental Highway. If you make the purchase it will surprise you--you can't miss with poetry, Colin's accent and his trademarked guitar sound!
Colin's 15 minutes of fame (Men at Work 1979-1986) continues from the time he takes the stage and begins his strumming and storytelling till his last song which in this case, appropriately was Waiting For My Real Life to Begin his 15 minutes has been extended.
Ray LaMontagne @ the Tower Theatre, Philadelphia, PA 4/4/09

Various Artists, Philadelphia, PA 2/21/09
The Guitar Students of Mike Weiss Presents a Winter Recital
Set List
Peace, Love & Understanding- Tate Perazzelli guitar/vocals & Aaron Weiss drums
Everybody Hurts- Tate guitar, Aaron drums, Mike Weiss keys & Greg Jehanian vocals
The Bottom of the the Rhine, Take Two- Matt Chapin guitar & Mike guitar
Starman- Louie Reyes guitar, Mike guitar, Greg vocals & Aaron drums
I Want You- Louie guitar, Mike guitar, Greg vocals & Aaron drums
Disarm- Barbie Welsh guitar, Aaron drums & Greg vocals
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea- Barbie guitar/vocals, Aaron drums
Wow....we made our mistakes, but we had a BLAST! A serious blast! Music is communication and this was an evening of communicating love. Yes, we are all amateurs, but on this night we were letting the music live.
The music took on it's own persona within the crowd, it wasn't about us as individuals, but about the songs- the lyrics, the sounds they echoed in every one's heads and hearts. The crowd was as loving of a crowd as I have ever experienced, so positive and affirming I was in awe of their patience and "understanding".
Everyone had a really good time & we would all do it again in a heartbeat.
Special thanks to Mike our guitar teacher....he is an excellent teacher and did a more then admirable job in producing this Winter Recital!